Monday, December 13, 2010

3. And All This Time I've Been Thinking...

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately... about my future and that kind of stuff. There are things that I know I don't want, want, and should do.

Do Not Want
  • To go back to school
  • To get married and have kids
  • Travel - preferably the year after school. I can't stand it here anymore. I feel like I'm stuck in a hole seeing the same people all the time, and it bugs me. Not that some people aren't great and awesome and amazing. But I just am getting tired of it all. Seeing everyone getting married and having kids isn't helping the situation at all and I think that by traveling I'll discover something that's been missing. Whether or not its peace is a different issue.
  • To move out
  • To get a 'real' job

Friday, November 5, 2010

2. I'm Falling All Over Myself

Weird dreams have been flying around lately. Anyone else feel that?

In other news: A month left to this semester! I'll be happy for the break. And then I have my capstone next semester -_- not looking forward to that but I want that done and out of the way.

Here's to dreams and reality!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well I've decided to start a new blog for a few reasons. 1) I found that my other blog started to become less about what was happening with me and my thoughts and rants and more a medium for posting survey's and quizzes and other random stuff. 2) I've grown up since I've started that blog. I could easily have deleted everything but, in a way, I want to remember how much I've changed. I started that in grade 11 and I'm in my third year of university. I dang well hope something's changed! 3) Despite being busy with school and work I've decided that I want to start blogging again. Now is as good a time as ever. Even if it's little stuff.4) I noticed a camp-friend from a few years ago (who I have on my facebook) has a blog and I read it, just to see what other people blog about. She was so open about everything in her posts and I guess I kinda missed feeling like that with my posts.

So here we are on a new journey. Here's to hoping it will be worthwhile!